For Broadcasters
As Broadcasters you deliver music, news, sports, or other content via radio, television, or digital platforms. Engaging with your audience is vital. With SoundAware’s highly accurate music usage reporting your workflow becomes more efficient, while managing your organisational costs.
— Workflow solution
CueSheetCorner is our efficient online application for managing cuesheets and exchanging cuesheet data between broadcasters, CMO’s, production companies and rights holders. With CueSheetCorner we combine data from EPGs, AsRuns, fingerprinting, and existing cuesheets.
— Gain competitive advantage
Broadcast Intelligence Insights
With SoundAware’s Broadcast Intelligence Insights broadcasters gain a competitive advantage. This service provides data on what competing and similar broadcasters abroad are airing, including new and popular content.
Using comprehensive analytics, you uncover trends, identify new content preferences, and benchmark your programming against the industry. Equip yourself with the knowledge to fine-tune scheduling, optimise content selection, and enhance listener engagement. Stay ahead of the curve in today’s dynamic broadcasting landscape.
— What’s hot?
SoundAware Top 10K for broadcasters
With the multitude of song releases, it’s often difficult to quickly spot trends or keep track of new records.
The SoundAware Top 10K is an all in one chart and a dashboard. With statistics of the 10.000 most played tracks in the Netherlands on Spotify, YouTube, and radio, the Top 10K provides music professionals with the insights they need.
— Reruns for the highest identification ratios
Every second is valuable!
Through fingerprinting SoundAware reaches an average 90% identification ratio on our first run. Subsequently, our dedicated A&R team identifies gaps and acquires missing tracks, allowing us to conduct reruns and report the increments, and achieve an identification ratios of up to 95% (*). For tracks that remain unidentified, we notify the broadcaster. This feedback channel also contributes to our continual improvement.
*Ratio over the past 5 years, no guarantees for the future
Reliable Analysis
For broadcasters SoundAware provides accurate data analysis in any format that suits your business needs. Our reports come in many formats (spreadsheets, XML, JSON, API, email, FTP, and more), and are fully customisable.
— Unlock data
For a workflow environment with managed, operational, and automated services, the SoundAware MusicBoard Management Suite is the ideal solution. MusicBoard serves as the functional foundation and home base for a range of our products and services, allowing you to manage your cuesheets per programme or production.
Download our factsheet
Want to learn more about our solutions for Broadcasters? Click on the link below and download our factsheet.
— Our Clients
Hear what our amazing
customers say About us
SoundAware pioneers in automated music recognition. We are passionate about music. And we are all about the people we work with.
“At VRT, both internally and externally, Cuesheetcorner has become an important link in the production flow in the field of copyright. Not only in terms of efficiency, but also in terms of accuracy in reporting. Tailored to our needs and requirements, with fine-tuning and support along the way.”
- -- Kris Verschooten
- - VRT
“We are delighted to have found in SoundAware a reliable and innovative partner for music reporting, capable of ensuring seamless and high-quality reporting to GEMA and GVL.”
- -- Ulrich Geiger
“To gather relevant and accurate data, our cooperation with SoundAware is essential. This is how we translate what we do for the composer and creator. The delivered data is the first identification. One that is and needs to be increasingly refined. It makes SoundAware an essential strategic partner in our business.”
- -- Bernard Kobes
- - Buma/Stemra
Want to work with us?
Curious to learn more about our services? Our team of dedicated media specialists, developers, data engineers and music passionates gladly support you.